It is the 1788th of March 2020 (aka the 21st of January 2025)
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pleased to meet you!
Oaks turning green, beautiful sky
It's not as warm as it looks, there's a freezing cold east wind.
But other than that, the title pretty much says it all.
The willows (weeping and a normal) are going green too. And solid blue behind them.
But the best part is, without question, the sky. Devoid of the many airplanes that spew exhaust and vapour into the sky, it's an amazing deep blue. Here looking north east. It's not terribly exciting, but look at the sky.
As Europe has entered summer time (perhaps the last time we'll be messing with the clocks and our daily routine?), there is an extra hour in which to appreciate the sky.
This is looking straight up. Not zoomed or anything. It's really that. I've also inhibited the automatic watermark so you can properly appreciate it.
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John, 30th March 2020, 19:09
That'll be your cerulean, then! Bit chilly tonight, I expect!
David Pilling, 31st March 2020, 18:24
It is said the ancient Greeks had no word for blue (never mind cerulean). Turner used to paint sky for people - money for nothing. In that last shot of the sky, there is shading. Wonder if that is real or a facet of the camera.
Rick, 31st March 2020, 20:59
It's a wide shot (as wide as the phone gets, compare the photo looking northeast, for instance). It's possibly the difference between looking straight up, and looking at a bit of an angle. The sky does get lighter as the angle increases. I rather imagine the camera is a little more sensitive to these changes than the eye?
Have you ever tried to paint sky? It's a lot harder than it looks to make a convincing sky. I'm no Rob Ross...
David Pilling, 1st April 2020, 15:42
Yes sky colour changes with angle. I imagine this is due to the mechanism that produces blue, but there will be atmospheric effects near the horizon, closer to the earth. Kidding that cameras may not have a uniform field sensitivity - zoom in you may see variations in pixels.
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