; Script to fetch news articles on BBC ceefax ; ; Timed at 4 minutes, 16 seconds. ; Most of this wating for page fetches. ¤script "bbcnews" ; Select channel channel(1) ; check we are receiving getframe(100) set A to status(pagefound) if (A ! 1) error("Timed out trying to fetch page - is antenna connected?") ; start at 104, finish at 124 set A to 104 set E to 124 .fetchloop getframe(A) ; now remove the top/bottom set B to 1 ; Choose a frame selectframe(A) ; Remove the top of the frame set C to 1 .omittop omitline(C) C++ if(C [ 5) go("omittop") ; Remove the end of the frame set C to 22 .omitend omitline(C) C++ if(C [ 25) go("omitend") ; Finished updating, store the frame storeframe() ; Increment the frame, see if now next page A++ if(A [ E) go("fetchloop") ; Open file, and copy frames to it as ASCII filewrite(".bbcnews") ; Type 2 = ASCII set A to 104 .outputframes appendframe(A, 2) filewritebyte(10) filewritebyte(10) A++ if(A [ E) go("outputframes") fileclose() filetype(".bbcnews", &FFF) ; Call the OS to execute a command oscall("%Filer_Run .bbcnews") ; done! terminate()