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FYI! Last read at 14:41 on 2024/05/20.

More Paper Girls decoding

With the hard work done, it was just a matter of making a few collages of photos of the symbol text, to work through figuring out what is being said in order to firstly understand it, and secondly to pick up new symbols.

As it turns out, the symbol that I thought was an '!' is more like a '.'. It's weird, there are no apostrophes and (so far) only one comma (but that might have been a mistake?), yet many of the dialogue sentences end with a full stop. It's a bit ideosyncratic. Especially given that part of it is "No. Not Jude." said by a character finding the remains of Jude's body. Yeah, try some emotion there, buddy!

Paper Girls, working with a collage print
Paper Girls, working with a collage print.
© Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang.

It's probably a little too small to read my sarcastic comments. Probably just as well. ☺


Here's the updated chart. I've fiddled with the drawings to make them a little clearer, and added some explanatory text.

Paper Girls logographic symbols, 2022/07/25.
Paper Girls logographic symbols, 2022/07/25.

I have also made a PDF version (7.43KiB). It's a full A4 page, but given that the original was an entire A2 page (it's what looked good on-screen for editing...). Scale the printout as you like.



Your comments:

J.G.Harston, 27th July 2022, 02:33
Now you just need to find somebody saying QUICK, THE XANTHOPIC ZYGOTES!
David Pilling, 28th July 2022, 16:22
I know Q and X but not Z - wonder if they've got Unicode numbers.
Rick, 31st July 2022, 16:36
Marathoned the entire series (4 eps Friday late evening, final 4 Saturday), and the way they got around the language problem is, asides from a very brief burst of the other language, was basically not having it. 
Additionally, let's just say that the series compared to the comic is rather like the Ghost in the Shell live action movie compared to the animated originals. Some plot similarities, but as many ways different too. 

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