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FYI! Last read at 19:42 on 2024/05/03.

SIBA - truth and fiction

Earlier, Mick asked me why I (me, not the story character) was sent to boarding school.

In junior school, I was sat in the corner, called dumb, and had a teacher that refused to teach me because I was distruptive and stupid.
Actually, I was bored.

You see, while the other children were reading easy-reader books with a picture on every other page - I think "Elf light and Candle light"? Me? I was happily working my way through various John Wyndams books - "Chocky" and "The Day Of The Triffid". Mom got me lots of books. I remember the story of "Robber Hopsika" was weird, some sort of highwayman versus cartoon villians story with fair maidens to save. I probably read all of "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" before I realised that a mongoose wasn't some sort of bird. And, of course, the Enid Blyton's Adventure series, Secret series, many Famous Five, some Secret Seven, all of Mallory Towers and all of Saint Clares - the latter two series aimed at girls and set in boarding schools. Nothing like the boarding school I knew, though.

So, when confronted with me reading a Wyndams book written for adults, the teacher's response was simple. No, I'm not. Really, that was the response. Either I or my mother was clearly lying. As opposed to the method mom used which was to ask me questions at the end of each chapter. But she couldn't do that, it might prove I wasn't the retard she categorised me as.

After various visits to a child psychologist (a person more messed up than I ever was, if you ask me), my category was amended. Dyspraxia (motor co-ordination problems), dyscalculia (like dyslexia but with numbers), and hyperactive. I'd probably be diagnosed with ADHD and somewhere on the spectrum, but that stuff didn't exist back then.

Why? Well, I was blue and functionally dead for the first four minutes of my life, born premature. If I was born as recently as a couple of decades prior, I'd no doubt have been written up as a stillbirth. But the right people were in the right place to get my idiotic carcass going. But, you know, any duration of oxygen deprivation at such a delicate stage is going to have consequences. So I won't ever be a fighter pilot, I might struggle to play the piano (both hands doing things independently is difficult) and I may suck at maths, and I may see the world entirely differently to "normal" people, but that's okay. Normal is overrated. I like seeing the world differently. It's like having a benign superpower.

So I was sent to a boarding school that specialised in dealing with children with educational difficulties. By and large, it was a blast. I enjoyed my time there, the good and the bad. Essentially the entire SIBA series is a great big love letter to my time in a boarding school in the countryside of the south of England in the eighties. The only downsides were that many of the children suffered from dyslexia, and as an avid reader, you can't imagine how frustrating it was to have somebody read out a single sentence in the time it would take me to read a chapter. Plus, the school library sucked. I had it made if I wanted to read Iliad, but there was practically nothing there that didn't have a ton of dust on it. I mean, I'd have enjoyed some J.G.Ballard or Philip K. Dick...
The other downside is that sometimes being with people all the time means there's not much peace or privacy. I was known for climbing trees, sneaking onto the roof, or just disappearing to walk around the woods. Why? For some bloody peace and quiet. As an introvert, I really appreciated time on my own.
The final downside? My emotional development with girls stops at about the age of 12. That may be why I've never had much interest in girlfriends and such. But, then, peace and quiet... ☺ But enough of that because I'm forty-mumble years old and any further thought is going to be illegal in May and Rudd's Brave New Britain...

I should point out that my disposition means I'm unlikely to want to sit at the front of the class. This is important because it wasn't until I got to boarding school that anybody realised that I am fairly myopic. Of course, I would not be aware of this because it would just seem to me as if this was normal. I think I must have been in third form before I was diagnosed as short-sighted. I did better at boarding school as classes were smaller, both in number of students and room size, so the whiteboard or projector board was closer to me so easier to see.

So by now you've probably guessed that "Sunnyvale College" is actually based upon a real place. Correct, it is.

People? Many of the little anecdotes that you will come across along the way are based in reality, but all of the characters are fictional. Sure, some people may notice some attributes of themselves, but I was careful not to specifically base any one person on actual living people.

The closest I get are:


SIBA - some locations

Amazingly, not so long ago I found my old copy of the school prospectus in a box when I was looking for something. I think the prospectus is from around 1988 or so.

I have blurred everybody's faces so nobody is identifiable.

Here's the main hall, with everybody at assembly:

That dark wooden door to the back of the lobby (through the arch on the right) is a door through to the dining room. The wooden staircase is not visible, but it is to the right of that. The closer door through the left arch is the headmaster's room. The main front door is to the left.
Note the wooden frame at the bottom of the piano. The teacher playing the piano decided it wasn't in a good place one morning, and instead of moving himself and his bench, he pushed the piano. You can guess what happened next...

Here's a dormitory:

This is one of the smaller dormitories, it will be one of the junior ones in the semi-attic. Through the window you can see the parapet wall. I know that window wall, having been tricked to go out and rescue something that had been thrown out there, for the bastards to close and latch the window behind me. I got "six of the best" which hurt like hell, but on the plus side the headmaster prolonged the punishment long enough that I missed having to go to church that Sunday. I view this as a "some you win, some you lose" situation... and, yes, I found church such a tedious waste of time that I'd have tolerated maybe "four of the best" (six is just excessive) as an alternative option to going to church.

Here's a study:

When we hit fifth form or sixth form, we are supposed to take things seriously (supposed!) so rather than being in a dormitory, we were grouped in twos or threes depending on the study. I had a study to myself because I was "weird". ☺
Notice the white shirts. Boys wore blue shirts. Prefects wore white shirts. A little detail I don't think I ever mentioned in the stories...

And, finally, here's me in the computer room:

The non-blurred face is me. I thought the prospectus was made in 1989/1990, but I'm not wearing glasses so it must be earlier. 1988? Because it was the prospectus, we would be shown seated at the Master Compacts (the rest of the room were Beebs). There's me, that's EdWord, and even with my one-finger typing I had a screenful of text in the time it took the camera guy to set up his equipment. That's why the teacher is looking at my screen. Thankfully the reflection on the nearest monitor is me so I didn't need to blur it. So you can see that kid cheated and double-spaced his text.

Unfortunately I don't have other photos because back in those days it was 35mm film or 110 film and processing was expensive. I did have a cheap camera with a roll of 24 exposure 35mm, but some bastard swiped the camera on my last day. So any photos I did take likely would have been binned. These days, I would have taken pictures of the building and places, but when I was sixteen? I probably took pictures of stupid things. So all of the locations that are real are from memory.


SIBA - Tropes

A trope is a significant recurring theme in media. For example: So now you know what a trope is, let's look at some of the sorts of recurrent themes you should expect to see from SIBA. This is an incomplete list because... spoilers...

You can probably think of more - head to the comments. But... no spoilers for episodes after the second story.



Your comments:

GAVIN WRAITH, 5th October 2017, 11:23
My myopia was only discovered when I left my first school (in Brackley, Northants) and started at my second (in Winchester, Collegium Mariae), when I was twelve. So I wore glasses from the age of twelve. But after I was seventy, and had two cataract operations, the lenses in my eyes were artificial, and I could dispense with glasses for most purposes. Growing older has its benefits! 
The main hall of your school looks like a beautiful room. Only later in my life did I begin to appreciate how one can read rooms and buildings and landscapes, and infer the pretensions and aspirations of those who created them. No need to believe in ghosts or ghostly influences. 
One thing my schools, and I, did not discover was the inability of my eye muscles to react sufficiently fast. This, in retrospect, explained why I was hopeless at most sporting activities. I always considered sport merely a means of stopping children from reading, or an opportunity for middle-aged men to bully them.
Clive Semmens, 14th March 2019, 13:07
"While some aspects are fictional, there's an awful lot that derives from real events. How much? Not saying... ☺" 
:-) Almost word for word what I said about my first novel, "The Reminiscences of Penny Lane" - and about the first few chapters of my other first novel (they overlapped in the writing), "Pawns." Still true but to a much smaller extent in all my novels.

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