mailto: blog -at- heyrick -dot- eu

Shop talk

Well, I went to work today and found I was the only full-time person doing "menage" because my cow-orker gave notice. Hasta-la-vista-ciao-ciao-bye-bye. Shame, we'd gotten into a routine where we worked well together. Now I'm paired with a random girl each day, sometimes they only do half a shift with me, so I'm never certain who my partner is. Not to mention there are three smallish girls with red heavy-plastic-framed glasses who probably look very different in normal clothes, but done up in white with hairnet and face mask, they could be identical twins... err... triplets... whatever.


The next best thing

The French music channel NRJ Hits is promoting a young Scot called Amy MacDonald with her quickly-sung song "This Is The Life".


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